Eversight Michigan
The Michigan Eye-Bank was organized in 1957 as a joint project of the Ann Arbor Host Lions Club and the University of Michigan Medical Center. After many years of support by a group of dedicated Lions Clubs, the Eye-Bank was accepted as a State Project of the Michigan Lions in 1971.
In March 2015, the organization changed its name to Eversight to inspire even more people to support its work and re-energize its mission to preserve and restore sight.
The Gift of Sight - The Mission of Eversight is to preserve and restore sight, through transplantation, research, education and partnership.
At one time, the Lions helped the Eye-Bank overcome a great challenge by getting tissue delivered in a timely manner. Now, the greatest challenge is the delivery of a message: that eye donation makes a difference and should be discussed in advance with family members, who must also give consent. Lions are evolving from a tissue transportation network into an organization of eye donation advocates, working to increase donor awareness within their own communities.