History of the Michigan Lions
1917 --- Lions Clubs International was established by Founder Melvin Jones.
1919 --- District 10 (Upper Peninsula) was the first Lions district formed in the state of Michigan, with the organization of the Marquette Lions Club in October. District 11 (Lower Peninsula) was formed when the Grand Rapids Lions Club was chartered in November.
1920 --- Detroit Lions Club sponsors the Windsor, Ontario Lions Club; this sponsorship creates Lions Clubs International.
1923 --- Lion John Noel becomes the first Lions Clubs International President from Michigan.
1925 --- Helen Keller challenges Lions to become "Knights of the Blind".
1932 --- White Cane is "born" in Michigan in the East Side Detroit Lions Club.
1936 --- Michigan Legislature passes the "White Cane Law."
1939 --- Leader Dog School is launched in Rochester.
1940 --- Leader Dog becomes a state project of Michigan Lions. Lion Karl Sorrick from Springport becomes the second Lions International President from Michigan.
1941 --- The Lower Peninsula is divided into two (2) sub-districts and becomes Multiple District 11.
1946 --- Multiple District 11 is divided into four (4) sub-districts.
1952 --- Multiple District 11 is divided into five (5) sub-districts. Welcome Home for the Blind becomes a state project of the Lions of Michigan.
1953 --- Lion S. A. Dodge is elected as the third Lions International President from Michigan.
1956 --- Multiple District 11 is divided into seven (7) sub-districts.
1957 --- The Ann Arbor Lions Club and Dr. John Henderson start the Michigan Eye Bank.
1962 --- Michigan Braille Transcribing Service begins at a Southern Michigan Prison.
1971 --- Michigan Eye Bank becomes a state Lions project.
1974 --- The Upper Peninsula is divided into two sub-districts and becomes Multiple District 10. The districts are 10-A (West) and District 10-B (East).
1976 --- Michigan Multiple District 11 is divided into ten (10) sub-districts.
1978 --- Lion Ralph Lynam is elected as the fourth International President from Michigan. The Lions of Michigan All-State Band is established.
1982 --- The Michigan Past District Governors Association is organized.
1984 --- Michigan Lions Service Foundation begins in District 11 B-1. 2001 --- Multiple District 10 combines District 10-A and 10-B into Single District 10.